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Wrath of the Mortals by mtggoldfish

Format: Standard User Submitted Deck Deck Date: Jun 5, 2015

Journey into Nyx Event Deck

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event deck journey into nyx

Journey into Nyx Event Deck

Aggressive and beastly play.

The Journey into Nyx Event Deck is a rapid burn deck with significantly more spells than creatures. This is a very sophisticated deck that starts out early with cheap powerful spells and finishes with buff creatures that scale extremely well. This model allows you to destroy your opponents early game and roll over them with dominant creatures late game.

Journey into Nyx Event Deck

  • Contains one "Wrath of the Mortals" Journey into Nyx Event Deck

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Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer

Elspeth Tirel, knight errant, sun's champion, and all-around awesome Planeswalker, led the humans of Theros to a great victory over Mogis's trampling horde of minotaurs. Her reward?


But Elspeth is a hero, and a great one at that, so when the sun god Heliod called upon her, she answered...


The call for heroes has gone out. Will you join Elspeth and travel to Nyx? Will you, this weekend, Forge a Godslayer to kill a god?

The Prerelease Experience

The hero's path, journey into nyx mechanics.

Deicide | Art by Jason Chan

A Prerelease is your first chance to play with cards from a new set (in this case, Journey into Nyx !). In this section, I'll walk you through the basics of attending one. (If you've been to Prereleases before, feel free to skip down to The Hero's Path .) At a Prerelease, players of all play levels mingle in a friendly, low-stress environment. So let's go through what to do and expect.

First, find a store . Hopefully, one is near you! Once you've done that, contact the store and find out if it does preregistration. If it does, preregister. Prerelease events across the globe have been selling out for a while now, so it behooves you to preregister if your store allows!

On the day of the Prerelease, make sure to pack some essentials with you:

  • Water and snacks. Fuel up; play better!
  • Cards. People bring decks to play and cards to trade at Prereleases, so make sure to bring yours as well!
  • Sleeves. Protect your cards from sticky tables and spilled drinks!
  • Accoutrements. Dice, tokens, paper, pencils—that sort of thing. Bring something to track counters, creatures, and life totals. Yes, your store will have a lot of these things, but it's always better to be prepared.

All that might seem obvious, but don't be That Person, always borrowing supplies from others.

Seeded Deck

The main event at a Prerelease is the Seeded Deck tournament, a version of Sealed Deck. Like the Theros and Born of the Gods Prereleases before it, the Journey into Nyx Prerelease will feature seeded packs. We'll come back to that , but the important thing to know is that your Prerelease Pack's seeded pack will help you play the color you want to play—it's still not a guarantee, though.

Seeded Deck is based on Sealed Deck, a kind of Magic (known, along with drafting, as "Limited") where you build a deck out of cards you open at that particular Prerelease. In the case of the Journey into Nyx Prerelease, that is one seeded pack and five booster packs (two Journey into Nyx , one Born of the Gods , and two Theros ). You open up all those packs and that becomes your pool, from which you build your deck. The basic guidelines and advice for building a seeded deck are:

  • At least forty cards. You can play more, but you can't play less. (Playing forty exactly makes your deck more consistent, but some people point out that adding an extra land for forty-one cards helps your mana percentages. Which way you go is up to you!)
  • Twenty-three spells and seventeen lands. Of those twenty-three spells, you want sixteen or seventeen creatures, with the balance in removal or support spells.
  • Two colors. Stick to two colors no matter what! Okay, "no matter what" doesn't really apply to Magic . If you have enough playable cards in one color you can go monocolored, but because every color in Magic has its weaknesses, adding a second color helps you shore up where your deck might struggle. Adding a third, fourth, or fifth color challenges your deck's mana base, though, leading to inconsistencies. On the other hand, if you get enough Temples, go for it! Sometimes, playing Five-Color Good Stuff is the right (or at least most fun) strategy.

Two-Headed Giant

Some stores also support a version of Seeded Deck called Two-Headed Giant (often abbreviated "2HG"), where two players team up against other pairs of players. Each pair gets two Prerelease Packs (they don't have to be the same ones, even!) from which the players build their decks. Your tournament organizer can tell you more about 2HG if your store supports it.

Open Dueling

Play with more Journey into Nyx cards by getting involved in Open Dueling. In this side event, you get an Intro Pack and use it to do battle against others participating in Open Dueling, including those playing in the main tournament who are between rounds! This is a great way to learn more about Magic if you're new to the game, and for experienced players it's also an excellent way to teach newer players or help them get better. Also? It's just a lot of fun.

Godsend | Art by Daniel Ljunggren

(Quick Aside. One of the hardest parts of writing these primers is not getting completely distracted by the new set's gorgeous art. End Aside.)

Once again, Experience Designer Dave Guskin and his team came up with a really cool play experience for us. And, I mean, check out what it's called:

Forge a Godslayer

The Journey into Nyx Prerelease presents Quest #7 along the Hero's Path, "Forge a Godslayer." This one is a little involved, so let's walk through it.

First, you have to choose how you want you want forge the weapon. You have five choices, which correspond (not coincidentally) with the five colors in Magic . Here is a handy chart to provide you with an overview:

Once you choose how you want to craft your weapon, you will be provided a Prerelease Pack that looks like this:

Here's a quick list of what you will get in your Prerelease Pack:

  • 2 Journey into Nyx booster packs
  • 1 Born of the Gods booster packs
  • 2 Theros booster packs
  • 1 seeded booster pack
  • 1 promo card
  • 1 Forge a Godslayer activity card
  • 1 Spindown™ life counter
  • 1 welcome letter
  • 1 Hero Card

Your Prerelease Pack is full of neat content, but for right now I'm going to focus on the Hero Card, since it is central to the "Forge a Godslayer" event. That said, your Hero Card isn't played at the Prerelease; it's for the Journey into Nyx Game Day event, which happens May 24–25, 2014.

As an example, let's look at Lash of the Tyrant (because black is the best my favorite color):

If you've seen other Hero Cards, you'll note that this one is a little different. First, it's an Equipment (which Dave Guskin talks about that in his Hero's Path FAQ ). Second, while it has a pretty neat ability, there's an unusual space between the type line and the first line of text for that neat ability. Here's why:

In your Prerelease Pack, you will also receive a Forge a Godslayer activity card with three spaces on it for component stickers. A component sticker is a... well, sticker... that you get after each match (the winner of the match gets first pick from among three, then the loser gets to pick one of the two remaining).

Combine three component stickers in specific ways to create one of seven different enhancements, then hand in your activity card to your tournament organizer to receive the corresponding enhancement sticker. Then you take that sticker and put it on your Hero Card in the blank space as a new permanent ability.

Congratulations! You have created your god-slaying weapon!

Okay, I've covered the Hero Card and the Forge a Godslayer activity card, and the booster packs are self-explanatory. Your welcome letter and Spindown™ life counter are color-coordinated with your Prerelease Pack, as are your promo card and seeded booster pack. I'll talk about that last one in a mo, but for now let me show you what your choices look like , so you have a better sense of what you want to pick:

If your weapon is Forged in Glory (white), you get:

If your weapon is Forged in Intellect (blue), you get:

If your weapon is Forged in Tyranny (black), you get:

If your weapon is Forged in War (red), you get:

If your weapon is Forged in Pursuit (green), you get:

You can play your promo card in your deck at the Prerelease, which should help you play the color you picked for your Prerelease Pack. And speaking of helping you play that color, your seeded pack contains a selection of Journey into Nyx cards weighted toward the chosen color. So, for example, if you pick Forged in Tyranny (black), you will get a seeded pack with mostly (but not exclusively) black cards in it, all from Journey into Nyx , including one rare. Oh but wait! That rare can actually be a mythic rare God card that shares the color you picked (but no other mythic rare).

Final note for your Prerelease Pack: You are not in any way required to choose the color for Journey into Nyx that corresponds to your path(s) or destiny(s) for Theros or Born of the Gods (if you went to either or both of those Prereleases).

Mechanics of Journey into Nyx

Solidarity of Heroes | Art by Eric Deschamps

Once again, helpful editor and steward of Uncharted Realms, Kelly Digges, has provided us with an overview of the mechanics of Journey into Nyx . Each section here provides a link to the appropriate mechanic in the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article, in case you want to know more.

Constellation: Enchantments with constellation abilities represent the divine constellations that fill the night sky of Theros .An enchantment's constellation ability triggers every time it or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control. For more details, see the constellation section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Strive: As you cast a spell with strive , you can choose any number of targets, paying an additional cost for each target beyond the first. For more details, see the strive section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Bestow: A creature with bestow gives you the option to cast it as an Aura that enchants a creature, granting that creature its power, toughness, and abilities. For more details, see the bestow section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Heroic: A creature with a heroic ability gives you powerful benefits every time you cast a spell that targets it. For more details, see the heroic section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Scry: Scry is a keyword action that always has a number associated with it. To scry , look at that many cards from the top of your library, put as many of them as you want on the bottom of your library, and leave the rest on top in any order you choose. For more details, see the scry section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Monstrosity: A creature with monstrosity lets you pay a one-time cost to grant it greater power and toughness, sometimes with additional abilities and effects. For more details, see the monstrosity section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Gods: Each God in Born of the Gods is two colors and manifests as a creature if your devotion to its two colors is high enough. Your devotion to two colors is the total number of mana symbols of those colors among the mana costs of permanents you control. For more details, see the Gods section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Begin Your Journey!

I hope this primer has helped you ready yourself for the Journey into Nyx Prerelease. Remember to preregister if your store allows it!

We are always looking for ways to improve the primers, so if there is anything you particularly like or dislike, please feel free to send me an email (at the link below) or tweet at me . It's hard to balance the primer to be helpful for both new and experienced players, so let us know how we're doing!

Speaking of the article and "us," although I am the lone author, putting together a Prerelease Primer is definitely a group effort that reaches all across the building's fourth (brand, organized play, web, legal, sales) and third (R&D) floors. I couldn't do it without everyone's help, so... thanks teams! :)

And to bring this back around to the "you," if you've read this far and want to delve even deeper, there's a lot of advice out there on how to build great sealed decks and on playing Limited Magic in general. Here are some of my favorite advice articles about Limited from DailyMTG:

  • " How I Break Down My Sealed Pool "
  • " Prerelease Prerogatives "
  • " Sealed Deck Reality Check "
  • " Foundations "
  • Nate Price's Price of Progress series
  • " Prerelease Primer " (the original!)

Good luck; have fun!

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Journey Into Nyx Event Deck Review

Once again, I decided to put my money where my mouth is, and instead of simply opening the Event Deck for Journey Into Nyx, I went to an FNM and tried it out. Last time I went 4-0. Let’s see how I did this time.

Travis Woo had rules I try to keep in mind while building decks on a budget:

#1 – No Downgrades #2 – No Omissions #3 – No Excuses!

“No Downgrades” means we play the cards we want to play, because they are the best for we want the deck to do. We won’t use Guildgates just because Shocklands are out of our budget. Either we use the Shocklands, or find a way to not need them at all.

“No Omissions” means we play the cards we need and if the deck needs a card that’s not within our budget, we will find another deck. [scryfall]Elspeth, Sun’s Champion[/scryfall] is very expensive, so if we are playing white, we’ll either stay away from being control or midrange, or bite the bullet and get the Elspeths.

“No Excuses!” means that if we lose games, we didn’t lose because we did this on a budget. We lost because we didn’t play correctly or didn’t our build was wrong. We never blame the budget.

Does the Event Deck follow these rules? Somewhat, but not really. Should they? Hell, yes.

Sure, that would generally mean one thing: As they are severely limited by the rarity constrictions in how they build their manabases. Right now, as most competitive decks will have at least a couple of [scryfall]Mutavault[/scryfall]s, they are just not able to make an actually competitive deck. Last they hit on something by being only one color. They didn’t have the [scryfall]Mutavault[/scryfall]s, which would have definitely made the deck stronger, but otherwise they managed to follow Woo’s rules pretty well (despite certain missteps in how the deck was built).

In this case, since they have a two-colored deck and they can’t use any dual lands besides [scryfall]Izzet Guildgate[/scryfall]s, they are not doing the right thing.

Here’s the list named inexplicably Wrath of the Mortals . I guess there’s an explanation somewhere, but I didn’t bother to find it.

[cardlist] [Creatures] 1 Aetherling 1 Battlefield Thaumaturge 1 Chandra’s Phoenix 3 Guttersnipe 1 Ogre Battledriver 1 Oracle of Bones 4 Spellheart Chimera 3 Young Pyromancer [/Creatures] [Spells] 1 Anger of the Gods 2 Divination 1 Fated Conflagration 2 Flames of the Firebrand 1 Harness by Force 4 Lightning Strike 3 Magma Jet 1 Mizzium Mortars 2 Searing Blood 1 Steam Augury 2 Turn // Burn [/Spells] [Lands] 9 Island 4 Izzet Guildgate 12 Mountain [/Lands] [Sideboard] 2 Dispel 2 Elixir of Immortality 3 Essence Scatter 2 Flames of the Firebrand 3 Izzet Staticaster 3 Negate [/Sideboard] [/cardlist]

The Matches

I didn’t do well…

Match 1 – vs. UW Heroic

Pretty new player. Had a good basic idea, but the deck lacked in execution. Instead of being the very consistent killing machine it needed to be, it seemed more like a pretty good draft deck with a couple of awkward choices, such as [scryfall]Wavecrash Triton[/scryfall] and [scryfall]Triton Treasure Hunter[/scryfall]. Good cards in draft, but too slow for Standard.

I went 2-0, because I was able to kill his creatures before he was able to grow them.

1 – 0

Match 2 – vs. Monoblack Devotion

No chance here. In the first game, [scryfall]Underworld Connections[/scryfall] provided the card advantage my opponent needed, in the second game, he was able to get out [scryfall]Desecration Demon[/scryfall]s out in the beginning. This deck has no plan against these pretty ubiquitous card. I pretty much had no chance.

1 – 1

Match 3 – vs. Esper Midrange

Ok, its a pretty controllish deck, but its a bit more midrangy than usual, with several wincons in the main deck. First game I drew plenty of cards I could only target creatures with and despite the deck being a bit more midrangy, that doesn’t help, because I [scryfall]Searing Blood[/scryfall] or [scryfall]Mizzium Mortars[/scryfall] does nothing against [scryfall]Aetherling[/scryfall] or [scryfall]Obzedat, Ghost Council[/scryfall]. Sideboarding didn’t really help. Second game wasn’t much better, because all the burn does nothing here. Sure it does damage, but the rest of the deck is too weak against the defenses and the deck has no way to compete on cards. Sure I managed to counter one [scryfall]Sphinx’s Revelation[/scryfall], but that wasn’t enough.

1 – 2

Match 4 – vs. Jund Monsters

Here the problems with the deck were again very apparent. [scryfall]Magma Jet[/scryfall]s and [scryfall]Lightning Strike[/scryfall]s don’t do much against [scryfall]Stormbreath Dragon[/scryfall] or [scryfall]Polukranos, World Eater[/scryfall]. Sure I can make plenty of blockers with a [scryfall]Young Pyromancer[/scryfall], but the deck can get rid of such pesky little wizards easily. In fact, the big, ol’ hydra can wrestle a bunch of these folks down in one fell swoop. Sure I can burn my opponent, but the [scryfall]Courser of Kruphix[/scryfall] will negate most of that over time.

1 – 3

I think WotC messed up big time. The deck felt like it was designed to a very specific metagame, that does not exist. In a world where you can get a 5/5 for four mana, relying on burn as removal is pretty bad. You can only slow down your oppoent, not really destroy their plan.

Actually, the record of 1-3 is fine. WotC shouldn’t be in the business of making off-the-shelf-decks that are strong enough to take FNMs, but they should be good enough to have some sort of a plan against the most popular decks. This deck has nothing. It will just run into a wall against most of the decks in the format, whereas the previous deck had at least some angle to work with against pretty much anything.

I don’t think this deck can even be fixed. The premise, or the basic plan of the deck is bad.

One plus: Unlike the black deck, this deck doesn’t have clear dead cards in the deck. The cards that it does have just don’t work that well together. Each could very well work in other decks.

What this deck basically does is enforce the notion that the game is about how much money you are willing to spend on your deck and us experienced players know its not all about that (some, but not all). You can build decks that can take on the field withough spending that much money. This felt like planning to get some groceries, ending up buying tickets for a flight to Romania, and then wondering why I’m hungry. Just totally faulty approach to the problem.

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One thought on “ Journey Into Nyx Event Deck Review ”

One more note: This might have been logistically difficult, but I would have liked some 1/1 Red Elemental creature tokens with the deck, like they did with the Modern Event Deck, which includes Myr, Soldier and Spirit tokens, as well as an emblem for Elspeth.

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Event Deck Journey into Nyx: Wrath of the Mortals

Event Deck Journey into Nyx: Wrath of the Mortals

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Event Deck Journey into Nyx: Wrath of the Mortals

Product description

Product info, event deck journey into nyx: wrath of the mortals variations.

Event Deck Khans of Tarkir: Conquering Hordes

Decklist Event Deck Journey into Nyx: Wrath of the Mortals

Journey into nyx event deck: wrath o/t mortals.

  • Creature (15)
  • 1x AEtherling
  • 1x Battlefield Thaumaturge
  • 1x Chandra's Phoenix
  • 3x Guttersnipe
  • 1x Ogre Battledriver
  • 1x Oracle of Bones
  • 4x Spellheart Chimera
  • 3x Young Pyromancer
  • Instant (13)
  • 1x Fated Conflagration
  • 4x Lightning Strike
  • 3x Magma Jet
  • 2x Searing Blood
  • 1x Steam Augury
  • 2x Turn // Burn
  • Sorcery (7)
  • 1x Anger of the Gods
  • 2x Divination
  • 2x Flames of the Firebrand
  • 1x Harness by Force
  • 1x Mizzium Mortars
  • 4x Izzet Guildgate
  • 12x Mountain
  • Sideboard (0)
  • 2x Elixir of Immortality
  • 3x Essence Scatter
  • 3x Izzet Staticaster
  • 75 cards total
  • € 28,65
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Theros block/Preconstructed theme decks

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Theros block , comprising Theros , Born of the Gods , and Journey into Nyx , has 15 preconstructed theme decks , all of which are bicolored.

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Awaken the Myth!The pantheon of Theros is complete! Xenagos has become the god of revelry. Yet far from bringing peace to the god-realm of Nyx, the satyr's ascension to godhood has only flung it into chaos, and the ripples are being felt across the mortal realm.Born of the Gods features 165 black-bordered cards, including randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set. Born of the Gods is available in booster packs, intro packs, and fat packs.

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    Journey into nyx event deck visual deck list for Magic: the Gathering (MTG).

  4. Journey into Nyx Event Deck

    Journey into Nyx Event Deck - Wrath of the Mortals. This Blue/Red Event deck contains 60 cards plus a 15 card sideboard. Add To Wishlist.

  5. Journey into Nyx

    Journey into Nyx is sold in 16-card boosters (one card being a marketing card ), five intro packs, one event deck and a fat pack. [6] The boosters feature artwork from Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, Pharika, God of Affliction and Cyclops of Eternal Fury . The set featured the continuation of the Hero's Path .

  6. Journey into Nyx Event Deck-sealed, Journey into Nyx (JOU) Price

    Journey into Nyx Event Deck-sealed card price from Journey into Nyx (JOU) for Magic: the Gathering (MTG) and Magic Online (MTGO).

  7. Journey into Nyx Event Deck

    The Journey into Nyx Event Deck is a rapid burn deck with significantly more spells than creatures. This is a very sophisticated deck that starts out early with cheap powerful spells and finishes with buff creatures that scale extremely well. This model allows you to destroy your opponents early game and roll over them with dominant creatures late game.

  8. journey into nyx event deck for sale

    Get the best deals for journey into nyx event deck at We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!

  9. Journey Into Nyx

    One 60 card decks, each with a 15 card sideboard, a Spindown life counter and strategy guide. Perfect for use in Standard play tournaments like Friday Night Magic or Game Day celebrations. Main Deck 9 Island 4 Izzet Guildgate 12 Mountain [MORE] 1 AEtherling 1 Battlefield Thaumaturge 1 Chandra's Phoenix 3 Guttersnipe 1 Ogre Battledriver 1 Oracle of Bones 4 Spellheart Chimera 3 Young ...

  10. Journey Into Nyx Event Deck List

    Journey Into Nyx Event Deck List : r/magicTCG. Go to magicTCG. r/magicTCG. r/magicTCG. A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. Join us discussing news, tournaments, gameplay, deckbuilding, strategy, lore, fan art ...

  11. Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer

    The main event at a Prerelease is the Seeded Deck tournament, a version of Sealed Deck. Like the Theros and Born of the Gods Prereleases before it, the Journey into Nyx Prerelease will feature seeded packs.

  12. Journey Into Nyx Event Deck Review

    Once again, I decided to put my money where my mouth is, and instead of simply opening the Event Deck for Journey Into Nyx, I went to an FNM and tried it out. Last time I went 4-0. Let's see …

  13. Magic the Gathering Journey Into NYX Event Deck

    Magic the Gathering Journey Into NYX Event Deck. Configuration: 6 decks per box. In stock items ordered before 3 PM EST ship the same day (M-F) Free Shipping on all orders above $199 to Continental US. Email us now for more info about our products. This display box contains 6 Event Decks.

  14. Journey Into Nyx

    The "Wrath of the Mortals" features a wide range of damage spells as well as creatures that reward you for casting them. As you blast away your opponent's forces, your creatures become more and more dangerous. Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe trigger every time you cast an instant or sorcery, netting you additional creatures and damage.

  15. (MTG) Journey into Nyx: Event Deck

    Buy and sell the Journey into Nyx: Event Deck in Europe's largest online marketplace for Magic: The Gathering. Easy, secure, best prices.

  16. The Journey into Nyx Event Deck is called "Wrath of the ...

    The kids there with budget brews and intro decks, the people that net deck, and the majority of everybody else home brews. Event decks tend to fair a bit better around here, especially when adjusted.

  17. Journey into Nyx Event Deck Review : r/magicTCG

    735K subscribers in the magicTCG community. A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by…

  18. Event Deck Journey into Nyx: Wrath of the Mortals

    Event Deck Journey into Nyx: Wrath of the Mortals from Magic: the Gathering. Find the largest range of Magic: the Gathering products and accessories at Bazaar of Magic.

  19. Journey Into Nyx: Challenge Deck Contents (with Pictures)

    Journey Into Nyx: Challenge Deck Contents (with Pictures) Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You could still use a damage based boardwipe though (for example earthquake with X>4). 96 votes, 41 comments. 733K subscribers in the magicTCG community. A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering ...

  20. Theros block/Preconstructed theme decks

    Theros block, comprising Theros, Born of the Gods, and Journey into Nyx, has 15 preconstructed theme decks, all of which are bicolored.

  21. Magic: the Gathering

    Yet far from bringing peace to the god-realm of Nyx, the satyr's ascension to godhood has only flung it into chaos, and the ripples are being felt across the mortal realm.Born of the Gods features 165 black-bordered cards, including randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.

  22. Additions to Journey into Nyx Event Deck : r/magicTCG

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  23. Magic the Gathering : Journey into Nyx

    The Journey into Nyx event deck; 'Wrath of the Mortals' Harness the power of fire and lightning to defeat your foes! The "Wrath of the Mortals" deck features a wide range of damage spells as well as creatures that reward you for casting them. As you blast away your opponent's forces, your creatures become more and more dangerous.